I Can. I Will. Pocket Medal

I Can. I Will. Pocket Medal

Sale Price:$9.99 Original Price:$20.00

Another challenge, another medal! I hope you carry this around with you to remember how STRONG and badass you are and how you are committed to being the best you possible. You Can. You Will.

1.50” Antique Gold Medal Double Sided Coin

One sides reads:

“Kitty Hug Fitness.

I Can. I Will.

Love. Sparkles. RAWRSSS!”

Second Side Reads:

The symbol in the middle is the Norse rune “Uruz” which is the rune of the inner king and inner queen. It stands for strength, endurance, persistence, courage, vigor and manifestation.

Norse Runes circle the perimeter.

These coins are also made from material that is Mother Earth friendly!! 💚

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